What can i do if DLL file is lost from mine Windows 10? How to install a missing DLL file on Windows 10? Enter regsvr32 ocxname.ocx to register.The wc: \ prompt will be displayed windows\ system32.Type cmd in the Run menu, it will search for cmd.exe, right click it and click Run as administrator.ocx enabled Windows 7 32-bit, do the following: Click Start, then Run and type “regsvr32 name_of_dll.Download the file and copy it to: “C: \ Windows\ System32 ″.How do I transfer files from my Android to my Macbook via USB? How to install a DLL file in Windows 7? Enter “regsvr32” in the text box followed by the path and name DLL the file you just copied (for example, enter “regsvr32 C: // windows / system32 / esck_001. Go to the Start menu and open the “Run” program. DLL is copied, run the following command: regsvr32 filename. In a word, it is enough to copy the original. Step 3: Now click OK and you should get a confirmation message that DLL has been successfully registered.Step 2: Now all you need to do to sign up DLL file is to type regsvr32 followed by a path DLL file.Step 1: First click on Start and then Run.Register 32 or 64 bit DLL libraries in Windows
How to copy a DLL file to System32 in Windows 7?